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General questions:

Discover the basics of WordPress themes, including their importance for creating a unique web presence, compatibility with the latest WordPress version, usage of demo content, and assistance for theme installation.

Libro is an online accounting software designed to be accessed anywhere, any time. As a result, Libro doesn’t take up any hard-drive space on your laptop or device. Instead, all your data is stored on the cloud and in our secure and reliable servers. No installation is necessary and you can access Libro immediately, furthermore, enjoy no downtime as updates are instantaneous and completed on our end with no need for user action, adding to the excellent user experience.

Libro is offered in several different packages, each with the option of selecting extra add-ons. Depending on the package you have subscribed to and whether or not you have added any optional extras, the services included in your specific subscription may vary. In order to find out what services are available in your subscription, take a look at our packages screen to discover more. Furthermore, you can ask a member of our support team to guide you through the available packages and configurations for added confidence and peace of mind when choosing your subscription.

In line with our mission at Libro, we offer a free trial to ensure Libro is accessible to all and is suited to your needs, from large businesses to small and medium business. During your free trial you can expect to have full access to our standard package and, during normal business working hours, our support teams, who will be available to answer any questions you may have. By offering this free trial in the way that we do, we hope to provide a no strings attached experience in which you can gain confidence in the best accounting software, before committing to a subscription. We have no doubt you’ll find Libro to be the perfect solution for your every business accounting need.

We want LibroAccounts to be a seamless and convenient experience for all our clients, as a result we have designed a smooth and cohesive process by which you can migrate your existing financial information into LibroAccounts without any difficulty or worry. With your data immediately available in Libro upon migration, you can make the most of the many features we have available to you immediately, without facing any obstacles. Through our research, we learnt of the increasing need that businesses have for a greater personal accounting software experience. We have had a significant proportion of our clients switch from competing software such as QuickBooks, Sage and Xero. As a result, we ensure our data migration process has been developed to the highest standards, keeping your data safe as it makes its transfer to the best cloud accounting software for your business.

We at LibroAccounts understand that businesses are always changing, and as a result the needs of your business are also likely changing. This is why we are more than happy to take on any requests to alter or change your subscription package. It is an easy and quick process to make these changes, simply contact our team and tell us what optional add-ons you desire, and consider the rest done.

License usage:

Learn about using our themes on client websites, customizing theme code and design, renewal of theme licenses, restrictions on license transfers, and compatibility with self-hosted sites.

LibroAccounts is offered in 4 separate packages with the option to add-on extra features as per your need. Each of these packages has a certain number of users that can be created to access your account, this number includes the admin user itself. Should you need additional users, contact us at LibroAccounts and we would be happy to adjust your package and add the number of additional users you desire. Additional users are added at a fixed rate dependent on which package you are adding this extra feature to.

We understand that the common belief people have is that switching accounting software and getting to grips with new systems is difficult. However, we strive to prove otherwise. At LibroAccounts, our support teams offer a ‘getting-up-to-speed’ course in which all our new clients are educated on the best methods of using LibroAccounts many financial reporting instruments and accounting modules for their business’ specific needs. We help our clients make the most of LibroAccounts so that your business maximises its potential.

After your free trial ends, you can decide to continue your access to LibroAccounts by subscribing to one of our packages. These packages will give you access to a greater number of features than available prior, and can be tailored to your business’ specific requirements. Upon completion of your free trial, you will also gain full access to our support teams around the clock. We ensure that by the time your free trial ends, you will have already had a discussion with our LibroAccounts team to evaluate your options and to set up your account prior to subscribing, this ensures a smooth transition should you decide to continue your business’ journey towards positive transformation.

Although we would be saddened by your decision to leave, we operate with total integrity and no hidden T&Cs. As a result, in order to cancel your subscription at LibroAccounts, we require written confirmation via email of your intent to terminate your subscription. Upon receipt of your confirmation, your account’s future subscriptions will be cancelled, and you will have access to LibroAccounts until the end of your current billing period.

Here at LibroAccounts, we consider security and reliability to be our foremost priority. From our inception, we have consistently maintained a top tier gold-standard of security protocols and measures designed to be robust in their defence against hostilities. We constantly engage in periodic testing of our server security and data protection measures to ensure there is zero chance of any data being jeopardised. We are proud to maintain our record with not a single issue in security or reliability being reported till date.

Support & updates:

Explore the support and updates that come with your theme purchase, including the duration of access, the type of support offered, how to seek assistance for theme-related issues.

We have a team of exceptional support staff available 24/7 to address your ever question. We provide support in all areas of our accounting software to ensure that you have the best experience and make the most out of your subscription to LibroAccounts.